“Money Smell” in Iceland, Friday 26 October: 3–4.45 pm

Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson gives a lecture Friday 26 October 2012 on “What Political Economy Can Tell Us About Money Smell”. The lecture is a part of a programme, The Nation in a Mirror, organised by the School of Social Sciences at the University of Iceland, about research conducted at the School. Professor Gissurarson’s lecture is also a part of a research project he is leading on “Environmental Protection, Property Rights, and Natural Resources”. He will analyse the so-called “money smell”, the very strong smell from Icelandic fish processing plants in small fishing villages in the past, called money smell because the plants provided much-coveted jobs; going on to discuss the broader relevance of two different approaches to environmental problems, those of Arthur C. Pigou and Ronald N. Coase.

The lecture is in a seminar in Room HT-300, 15–16.45, with Dr. Sveinn Agnarsson, Director of the Economic Research Institute at the University of Iceland, in the chair. While the seminar is held by the School of Social Sciences, Gissurarson’s lecture forms a part of the project “Europe, Iceland and the Future of Capitalism”, jointly organised by RNH and AECR, the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists.

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