The Public Book Club, Almenna bokafelagid, AB, held its annual general meeting on 4 May 2023. AB was founded on 17 June 1955 in order to counter the disproportionate influence of the communist-dominated book club Language and Culture, Mal og menning, supported by Soviet money, the notorious ‘Russian Gold’. AB is now a publishing company rather than a book club, however. AB’s Director, Jonas Sigurgeirsson, gave a report about last year for the other shareholders, Kjartan Gunnarsson, Baldur Gudlaugsson, and Armann Thorvaldsson. Also present was the Academic Adviser to AB, Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson. The books published in 2023 included a book on the investigation by officials of the Central Bank of Iceland of the fishing firm Samherji, characterised by the abuse of discretionary power and organised leaks from the investigators to the media.

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